After completing a four year course at Canterbury College Of Art, Colin Brown embarked on a career for 24 years as an illustrator- visualizer based in the West Country. As a freelance he was able to work for diverse range of Advertising, Design and 3 D companies in Bath, Bristol as well as London and Europe. Colin Brown then had the opportunity to work on many campaigns for many different companies Hasbro, Mattel, Cadbury’s, Saga, Corgi Toys to name just a few. In many cases I worked closely with the designers producing visuals and taking the project right through to the finished illustration stages. He latter went on to illustrate for publishing, on teaching books, magazines, posters as well as being commissioned by The Guinness Book Of Records.
Colin Brown is now a fine artist producing mainly one subject, being street scenes of the world. He likes to evoke a sense of atmosphere and the feeling of being their through a loose style taking his influence from the Impressionists and Fauvism, using my visualising ways to produce the work. Colin takes on commissions and along side this I also teach workshops and give live demonstrations.
Colin’s work is mostly influenced from the Impressionists, although he likes all forms of painting. He loves to paint in a way that is free and loose, not being constrained by detail. I want to convey a sense of atmosphere and as if the painting was a fleeting moment in time. Colin Brown concentrates on the light as being the most important thing within the painting and only adding the detail to knit the scene together, when needed.
Having been as a Visualiser in the past as well as an Illustrator, it is from the visualising that Colin Brown draws a lot of my technique today. He has the one style and likes to try different things within it. Colin loves all forms of art, but one of his biggest inspirations is Monet and the way he used paint and the single strokes of applied colour. I also like to make every stroke count and to be seen. This can give a great sense of movement.